Artists starting with 'i'

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In this section, you'll be able to discover incredible art from a variety of talented creators on the letter I. Their unique styles and artworks come together to create an awe-inspiring collection.

Personalities Behind I


Inga Meldere is a renowned contemporary artist from Latvia. Her abstract paintings explore the relationship between color, form, and space. She studied painting at the Latvian Academy of Art and the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Dresden, Germany. Meldere's work is characterized by vibrant colors, layered textures, and organic shapes inspired by the natural world. She is known for her site-specific installations that transform a space and challenge traditional notions of painting and representation. Meldere continues to push the boundaries of her medium with new materials and techniques.


Ilse Bing was a highly acclaimed German photographer who made a name for herself through her innovative and experimental techniques in modern photography. Her unique approach to capturing images prompted her association with the Surrealist movement in Paris, and she quickly became recognized as an influential figure in the world of photography. Over the years, Bing's talent led her to capture stunning portraits of some of the most famous writers, artists, and intellectuals in the United States. Her contributions to the field were so respected that they were recognized through a retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 1966.


Meet Wallace OC RCA, a Canadian artist born in Britain in 1943 who currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia. With a career spanning over 55 years, he has played an instrumental role in shaping the global recognition of Vancouver's photographic and conceptual art scene. Wallace's impressive body of work has been showcased in various national and international exhibitions, highlighting his exceptional talent for juxtaposing monochrome painting and photography. His artistry pushes the boundaries of both mediums, showcasing his remarkable ability to explore themes of the studio, the museum, and the street, all while addressing aesthetic and societal concerns in his unique and captivating style.


Irène Zurkinden was a renowned Swiss painter who gained widespread recognition for her exquisite landscape and still-life paintings. Hailing from Basel, Switzerland, her artwork stood out for its subtle and subdued colors, which were executed in an impressionistic style. Her artistic vision was largely influenced by the picturesque Swiss countryside, which served as a frequent subject of her paintings. She was also known for creating stunning traditional still-life paintings of flowers and fruits. Her artwork has been extensively showcased across Switzerland and is held in the collections of numerous prominent museums, which is a testament to her enduring legacy.

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