Pravdoliub Ivanov

Pravdoliub Ivanov is a Bulgarian artist known for his multidisciplinary practice, which includes sculpture, installation, painting, and drawing. His works often explore the themes of power, identity, history, and social issues.

In his art, Ivanov often incorporates found objects and materials, transforming them into something new and meaningful. He frequently uses everyday items, such as pipes, brooms, and light bulbs, and creates installations that challenge viewers' perceptions of the objects.

One of Ivanov's notable techniques is his use of repetition and pattern, which he employs to create a sense of order and chaos simultaneously. This approach is evident in his large-scale installations, which often feature repeating elements that create a hypnotic and mesmerizing effect.

Ivanov's works are often politically charged, addressing issues such as nationalism, consumerism, and the impact of technology on society. His art also explores the relationship between humans and their environment, highlighting the ways in which our actions can have a profound effect on the world around us.

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