About the Artwork 165460 Dino Zrnec Je Izlozio Pogreske Koje Se Dogadaju Pri Umjetnikovu Radu D Stifanic

Dino Zrnec

Dino Zrnec is an artist who dedicates his paintings to the experimentation with materials.

Biography of Dino Zrnec

Dino Zrnec was born in the picturesque city of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1983. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where he honed his skills and nurtured his creative spirit. This foundational period in his life stretched until 2007, setting the stage for the remarkable journey that lay ahead.

Later, Zrnec ventured to the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, a city renowned for its rich cultural tapestry and artistic heritage. In 2008, he found himself in the enchanting city of Vienna, Austria, where he joined the Academy of Fine Arts.

Today, Dino Zrnec splits his time between the bustling art scene of Vienna, Austria, and his hometown of Zagreb, Croatia. This dual existence allows him to embrace the rich cultural and artistic offerings of two distinct European cities, infusing his work with a unique blend of influences and perspectives.

Dino Zrnec's Art Style

One of Zrnec's signature techniques is allowing the reverse side of the canvas to show through, turning it into a part of the artwork itself. He overstretches canvases, skips the use of gesso, or employs it in unconventional ways. His boldness extends to dripping oil paint onto canvases, dissolving colors with turpentine overnight, and deliberately introducing cracks, folds, or buckling to the canvas's surface.  

Even without prior knowledge of Zrnec's process-oriented approach, his paintings stand on their own as compelling works of art. This unique blend of intention and experimentation infuses his creations with a distinct character and a sense of exploration that is both refreshing and thought-provoking.  

Dino Zrnec's recent solo exhibitions, such as "Closed Circuit" at Apoteka in Vodnjan, Croatia, "Ensure for Size" at Kunsthaus Graz project space in Austria, and "Until Tomorrow" at Annex Gallery in Pula, Croatia, showcase his commitment to pushing artistic boundaries. His work has also been featured in group exhibitions, including "Notes on Undoing" at Garis & Hahn Gallery in New York and "mi opettu" at Kunstmuseum Bochum in Germany.  

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