About the Artwork Photo1678588248

Diana Fonseca

Born in La Habana, Cuba in 1978, Diana Fonseca is an ultra-contemporary artist who has made a significant impact in the art world. Her first verified exhibition, "Heartbeat," was held at The Stenersen Museum in Oslo in 2006, and she has since exhibited extensively in the United States, Cuba, Spain, and elsewhere. Fonseca has participated in at least two solo shows and 41 group shows over the past 16 years, and has been featured in 11 art fairs and two biennials.

Notable exhibitions include "Diana Fonseca Quiñones" at Sean Kelly Gallery in New York City in 2016, as well as shows at the Bronx Museum of the Arts and the Perez Art Museum Miami. Fonseca's work has been exhibited alongside that of renowned artists such as Glenda León and Carlos Garaicoa.

Fonseca's art can be found in at least one museum collection, at the FAVA - Fundación de Artes Visuales Asociadas in Santiago. Her global ranking is among the Top 10,000, and she is currently ranked among the Top 100 in Cuba. Her career chart shows a steady improvement, with the most significant change occurring in 2008. Overall, Diana Fonseca is a talented and accomplished artist whose work continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world.

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