About the Artwork Bigart Roman Signer Andrew Phelps 1215x1215

Roman Signer

Roman Signer is a Swiss artist known for his unique approach to sculpture, performance, and installation art. He was born in 1938 in Appenzell, Switzerland, and studied at the School of Design in Zurich. Signer's work often involves the use of everyday objects such as chairs, bicycles, and barrels, which he transforms into dynamic, often humorous works of art through the use of explosives, fire, water, and other elemental forces.

His performances and installations have been exhibited internationally at museums and galleries including the Tate Modern in London, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, and the Venice Biennale. Signer has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to contemporary art, including the prestigious Meret Oppenheim Prize in 2008.

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