About the Artwork Rogelio López Cuenca

Rogelio López Cuenca

Rogelio López Cuenca is a Spanish artist, born in Nerja in 1959. He studied Fine Arts at the University of Granada and has since become known for his critical and socially engaged works that often take on political and cultural issues.

López Cuenca's work often incorporates text, using language as a tool to expose and challenge power structures, inequalities, and social norms. He frequently combines text with images, using found materials, such as photographs, newspapers, and advertisements, to create collages and installations that reflect on the media's role in shaping public opinion and perpetuating stereotypes.

One of López Cuenca's notable projects is the ongoing series "Imagen y Poder" (Image and Power), which consists of a collection of posters and banners that critique the use of imagery in political campaigns and media propaganda. He has also produced works that address issues related to migration, tourism, and cultural identity, often drawing attention to how dominant narratives can exclude and marginalize certain groups.

Throughout his career, López Cuenca has participated in numerous exhibitions and international art fairs, and his work has been recognized with several awards and grants. He has also taught at various institutions, including the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Granada and the Valencian Institute of Modern Art.

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