Lesley Vance

Lesley Vance is an artist whose work speaks volumes through its captivating visuals and remarkable exhibitions. 

 Her artistry has graced the walls of renowned galleries such as Xavier Hufkens in Brussels (2021/2017/2014), David Kordansky Gallery in Los Angeles (2020/2017), Herald St in London (2015), and Galleria Il Capricorno in Venice (2011), to name just a few. 

Lesley Vance's Art Style

In Lesley Vance's watercolors, color justifies itself, and there's an evolution from a sort of automatic drawing where strokes transition into shapes and then into increasingly delicate descriptions of space.

The liquid pigment sits atop the smooth, vellum-like surfaces, rather than being absorbed into them, creating a sense of it being still-watery and alive. The brushwork is characterized by randomness and intuition, featuring meandering lines that may evoke the late de Kooning or Brice Marden with his inked stick. In a contrasting fashion, the fluidity of watercolor is juxtaposed with the precise sharpness of collage, where elements are meticulously cut and arranged with remarkable sensitivity.

Her works have been featured in group exhibitions at prestigious venues, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art (2012), Whitney Museum of American Art, Björkholmen Gallery, Aspen Art Museum, and Grimm Rosenfeld Gallery.

In addition to private collections, Lesley Vance's art can be found in the collections of renowned institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Hammer Museum.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    United States of America, Milwaukee

  • Gallery:

    Meyer Riegger