About the Artwork Divulgacao   Gentil Barreira (3)

Decio Noviello

Décio Noviello was a brazilian artist. In the 1960s, Decio Noviello began his creative journey as a costume designer and scenographer for carnival parades. Today, he is a highly acclaimed figure in the Brazilian visual art world, known for his prominent role in the Sao Paulo International Biennials of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Noviello was a key contributor to the landmark exhibition "Do Corpo à Terra" (From the Body to the Earth), which took place during the inauguration of the Palácio das Artes in April 1970, and showcased the "Neo-Vanguard Brazilian" movement. This exhibition is now considered a milestone in the exploration of environmental and experimentalist art in the Brazilian avant-garde movement.

Noviello's innovative approach involved experimenting with unconventional methods, such as organising "happenings" that employed heavily pigmented smoke pyrotechnics to create colorful visuals in the air. His work in this area is now recognized as "Expanded Field Painting," which challenged the boundaries of traditional painting techniques.

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