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Bill Brandt

Bill Brandt was a British photographer born in Hamburg, Germany in 1904, and known for his evocative black and white photographs of landscapes, portraits, and nudes. He is considered one of the most important photographers of the 20th century and is credited with helping to establish photography as a recognized art form.

Brandt began his career in photography in the 1930s, working for magazines such as Lilliput and Picture Post. His early work focused on social documentary photography and captured the lives of working-class people in Britain. During World War II, Brandt worked as a photojournalist for the British government, documenting the impact of the war on the civilian population.

After the war, Brandt turned his attention to more artistic pursuits, experimenting with abstract forms and creating haunting images of the British landscape. His portraits and nudes are also highly regarded for their sensitivity and use of light and shadow.

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