About the Artwork

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French photographer and one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century. He is known for his candid street photography and his role in the development of modern photojournalism. Cartier-Bresson studied painting before turning to photography, and his early photographs were heavily influenced by the surrealist movement. He traveled extensively throughout his life, and his photographs captured the people, cultures, and events of the world with a sense of spontaneity and authenticity. Cartier-Bresson co-founded the photographic agency Magnum Photos in 1947, which became a leading force in photojournalism. His photographs have been published in numerous books and exhibited in major galleries and museums around the world. He was also a filmmaker, and his documentaries explored subjects such as the painter Henri Matisse and the photographer André Kertész.

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