How Digitised.Art Works: Collector's Guide

Unlock the World of Digital Art for Collectors. Discover Digitised.Art, a cutting-edge platform that connects collectors with galleries to acquire unique digital editions of original artworks. Here's how it works for

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    Browse & Select Artworks

    Explore our extensive collection of artworks from renowned galleries, and choose pieces that resonate with your taste and preferences.

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    Request a Quote & Availability

    Send a quote and availability request for your desired artwork. Digitised.Art will coordinate with the respective gallery to confirm details.

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    Negotiations & Due Diligence

    Digitised.Art handles all communication aspects on your behalf, guiding and advising best practices throughout each stage of the deal. We ensure your rights are protected and the transaction is secure, while the final decision always remains in your hands.

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    Digital Editition Creation & Tokenization

    We offer services to create a high-quality digital editition, tokenize it, and provide guidance to ensure a smooth and secure transaction.

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    Receive Your Unique Digital Editition

    Enjoy your exclusive digital editition of the original artwork, while supporting artists and galleries by contributing to their growth and success.

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    Eternalize Your Art Collection

    Owning a digital editition secures your artwork in the digital realm, making it invulnerable to physical damage and eternalizing its existence over time.

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Embark on your digital art journey with Digitised.Art and redefine your art collection experience

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