The Sunday Painter

The story of The Sunday Painter is woven with threads of friendship, artistic vision, and unwavering evolution. In 2009, Harry Beer and Will Jarvis breathed life into this haven, establishing it as an artist-run project space with a profound purpose — to showcase the creations of their companions and peers.

The Sunday Painter: A Canvas of Friendship and Evolution

With the addition of Tom Cole as a partner, the gallery embarked on a new chapter as it transitioned into a commercial gallery model, representing and exhibiting the work of emerging and mid-career artists from the UK and abroad. The gallery's transformation was more than a structural change; it was a step toward expanding its reach and celebrating a broader spectrum of artistic practices, disciplines, and viewpoints.

The Sunday Painter proudly represents a diverse array of talented artists, including Cynthia Daignault, Patrick H. Jones, Harminder Judge, Jennifer J. Lee, Tomas Harker, Emily Kraus, Emma Hart, and many more.

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  • Location
  • London, 117-119 South Lambeth Road