
Since its establishment in 2016, PEANA has been a driving force in the Mexican contemporary art scene, redefining the boundaries of artistic expression and pushing the envelope of experimental practices. Operating from Monterrey, Mexico, PEANA serves as a decentralized platform for the production, research, and promotion of emerging artists, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches.

At the heart of PEANA's mission is the continuous evolution of artistic lineage and a commitment to conceptual rigor. The artists supported by the gallery showcase a profound understanding of the power of materials, transforming them into expressive and thought-provoking artworks. Their creations bridge the gap between conceptual ideas and the tangible beauty of the artwork's materiality, resulting in a dynamic fusion of ideas and form.

PEANA's exhibitions, whether held on-site or in off-site locations, serve as immersive experiences that challenge traditional notions of art and curatorial practice. The gallery sees curating as a cultural synthesis, bridging the gap between historicized art practices and emerging ones from Mexico and beyond. By showcasing a diverse range of artists and their works, PEANA fosters dialogue and connection between different artistic generations and cultural contexts, contributing to the rich tapestry of contemporary art.

In 2022, PEANA expanded its horizons with the opening of a second space in Mexico City. This strategic move allows the gallery to engage with a broader audience and provide a platform for international artists to showcase their work. By expanding its program and diversifying its artist roster, PEANA seeks to create more opportunities for the artists in its program and foster cross-cultural exchange.

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  • Location
  • Mexico City