KOW Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Berlin, Germany.

The gallery was founded in 2009 by Alexander Koch and Nikolaus Oberhuber, who previously ran a project space called “Koch Oberhuber Wolff” in Berlin. The gallery's name is an acronym for "Knowledge of the West" which, in and of itself, is a nod to the ideological battles between East and West that defined the city for decades.

Walking through the gallery's halls is like taking a journey through a strange and fascinating world. One moment you're confronted with a towering sculpture that seems to defy gravity, the next you're staring into the eyes of a hauntingly realistic portrait. The artwork here is not just aesthetically impressive, it's also deeply thought-provoking.

For those who are tired of the same old art scene, KOW Gallery is a breath of fresh air. It's a place where creativity and activism converge, where art is a means for sparking change, and where anything is possible.

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  • Location
  • Berlin