
Gallery Sofie Van de Velde

Sofie Van de Velde Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Antwerp, Belgium. The gallery was founded by Sofie Van de Velde in 2013 and represents emerging and established contemporary artists working across various mediums.

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde: Spirit of Collaboration and Shared Opportunities

Sofie Van de Velde stands for entrepreneurship in art. The gallery focuses on representing artists within a strong international network through participation in art fairs and exhibitions. The gallery collaborates with artists to identify strategies to elevate their art to the next level. Departing from the traditional competition-oriented gallery model, Sofie Van de Velde embraces a philosophy centered around collaboration, shared opportunities, and networks.

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde shares space at Nieuw Zuid with PLUS-ONE Gallery. Both galleries share a common philosophy, believing in a positive attitude of collaboration. At the same time, they maintain their own perspective on artistic choices.

In 2020, the gallery opened a second space in Antwerp. This platform is dedicated to solo exhibitions by Belgian and foreign masters.

Artists, represented by Gallery Sofie Van de Velde

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde represents works by diverse artists, including Willy De SauterLeon Vranken, Folkert de Jong, Natasja Mabesoone, Felix De ClercqMax Pinckers, Bendt Eyckermans, and many more. 

The gallery also exhibits artworks by James Ensor, Marcel Duchamp, Otobong Nkanga, Ann Veronica Janssens, Mous Lamrabat, Koen van den Broek, Frida Kahlo, Mike Bouchet, Margot Bergman, Paul McCarthy, Johan Grimonprez, Philippe Van Snick, etc. 

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde also supports and manages several artist estates. Currently, the gallery manages the artist estates of Ilse D'Hollander, Guy Mees, and Charlotte Posenenske.

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  • Location
  • Antwerp, Léon Stynenstraat 21, 2000