About FOREIGN FISH by Jakob Kolding

In the collage "Foreign Fish" (2017) by Jacob Kolding, a couple of men are situated inside Mies van der Rohe's iconic Seagram building, observing a massive, colorful fish passing through an otherwise somber environment.

The structured, rigidly planned interior clashes with the chaotic, phantom-like exterior—a landscape and a group of people on a raft taken from the original illustration of Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth." All of the cut-outs are in black and white, except for the fish, which, simultaneously strange and beautiful, introduces a new order. 

Beyond the Artwork: The Art of Jacob Kolding

Jakob Kolding is renowned for his handmade collages and posters in which he incorporates various visual elements from art, architecture, literature, theater, and music. There are no spelling or grammar errors in the original text. Since the late 1990s, Kolding has been developing a unique set of cut-outs that continues to evolve. The same components are repeatedly employed and recontextualized in different pieces, giving rise to a range of meanings and narratives that depend on the context. While his early works often referenced specific times and places, primarily exploring the relationship between urban planning ideologies and actual spatial use, his recent works are more abstract and open for interpretation.

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