Simon Mathers

Simon Mathers, a London-born artist, has made his mark in the art world with his stunning works of art. He obtained his MA in Fine Arts from the Royal College of Art, London, and currently resides and works in London. Mathers has showcased his art in numerous exhibitions, such as Ahhhhh Real Monsters! at Clages Gallery, Cologne, Simon Mathers at Aqbar, London, and Bad Butter at Lyles and King, New York in 2018. In 2017, his exhibition, You Are Underground, was held at Gianni Manhattan in Vienna, and in 2016, he was part of the Beyond The Trees exhibition at Canopy Brussels and Human Condition at The former Los Angeles Metropolitan Medical Center in Los Angeles. Mathers' other notable exhibitions include Silleteros at Kinman Gallery, London, FOLLY at the Dunmore Pineapple, curated by Emalin, and Rare Collisions of Purpose at Boetzelaer Nispen Gallery, Amsterdam, all in 2016. In 2015, he was part of The Funnies at MOT International, Brussels. Mathers has also exhibited at Gianni Manhattan in various exhibitions such as Drawings, Fever Dream, Material Art Fair 2019, and viennacontemporary 2018.

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