About the Artwork Photo by Rafik Greiss for PIN–UP
© Photo by Rafik Greiss

Ser Serpas

Ser Serpas is a multidisciplinary artist, poet, and activist whose work explores the intersections of environmental justice, social inequality, and cultural identity. Born in 1995 in Los Angeles, Serpas creates installations, performances, and sculptures that confront the pressing issues of our time, particularly the devastating impact of consumer culture on the planet and its inhabitants.

Her work often employs discarded materials, such as plastic bags, used clothing, and other refuse, which she repurposes and transforms into thought-provoking art objects. Through this approach, Serpas seeks to raise awareness about the ecological and social consequences of waste, and to encourage viewers to reconsider their own relationship to the objects they use and discard.

In a recent exhibition at the Swiss Institute in New York, Serpas presented an immersive installation that consisted of a series of sculptural vignettes made from recycled materials. The exhibition, titled "The Landfills of Our Minds," invited visitors to reflect on their own consumption habits and to consider the environmental impact of their actions. According to the New York Times, the exhibition "transforms waste into an evocative, complex exploration of how we interact with our environment."

In addition to her visual art practice, Serpas is also an accomplished poet, and her poetry often deals with similar themes of social and environmental justice. In an interview with Ravelin Magazine, she describes her poetry as "a way to think about what the world could be, and how we can get there." Through her art and poetry, Serpas offers a powerful critique of contemporary culture and calls for a more sustainable, equitable future.

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