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Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) was a Romanian-American artist and illustrator known for his contributions to the fields of drawing, painting, and graphic design. He was born in Romania and later moved to Italy before settling in the United States in 1942.

Steinberg is best known for his cartoons and illustrations, which were published in major magazines such as The New Yorker and Harper's Bazaar. His work often featured whimsical, surrealistic images that were both humorous and thought-provoking.

In addition to his work as an illustrator, Steinberg also created a number of important works of art, including drawings, paintings, and sculptures. His work was often characterized by a playful and imaginative approach to materials and form.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1914

  • Country:

    Romania, Râmnicu Sărat

  • Gallery:

    Gemini G.E.L.