About the Artwork E B1 Cdf E9 91 Bd 4 D0 F 8 E4 a 7 B8 D F07 C F062

Rosa Loy

Rosa Loy's paintings of women are known for their whimsical and dreamlike quality, blending Social Realism with bright colors, stylized forms, and puzzling scenes. Using casein paint made from milk protein, Loy creates an insular world of fairy tales and enigmatic landscapes. Her work primarily features women, and through this absence of men, she aims to highlight women's daily experiences. Despite the cheerful appearance of her paintings, a sense of impending danger and authoritarianism underlies them.

Loy spent her early years in East Germany, and later became a member of the New Leipzig School - a collective of figurative artists that included her husband, Neo Rauch. Her work has been exhibited in major cities like New York, Berlin, Munich, Paris, and London. Her paintings can be found in the collections of prominent institutions such as the Busan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum der bildenden Künste, the Sammlung Essl, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1958

  • Country:

    Germany, Zwickau

  • Gallery: