About the Artwork Rodolpho Parigi 20220825 9415

Rodolpho Parigi

Rodolpho Parigi is a contemporary artist born in 1977 in São Paulo, Brazil, where he continues to live and work. He is known for his installations and sculptures that often incorporate found materials and explore the relationship between the urban environment and its inhabitants. Parigi's work often reflects his interest in architecture and design, and he is particularly known for his use of repetition and modular forms. His installations are often site-specific and take into account the particular context and history of the space in which they are presented. Parigi has exhibited his work widely in Brazil and internationally, including at the Venice Biennale in 2017. He has also been the recipient of several awards and honors, including the PIPA Prize for Contemporary Art in 2014.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo

  • Gallery:

    Nara Roesler