About the Artwork Pawel Althamer Marcin Kalinski 1 Jpeg

Paweł Althamer

Paweł Althamer is a contemporary Polish sculptor and installation artist, born in 1967 in Warsaw, Poland. He is best known for his sculptures and installations that explore themes of identity, community, and social engagement.

Althamer's works often feature everyday materials such as paper, clay, and wax, and frequently incorporate interactive and participatory elements. He is interested in creating art that brings people together and encourages social interaction, and many of his works are designed to be experienced collectively.

Althamer has exhibited his work extensively in Poland and internationally, including at the Venice Biennale, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. He has received numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, including the Frieze Art Fair Artist Award in 2004 and the Vincent van Gogh Biennial Award for Contemporary Art in Europe in 2006.

Overall, Paweł Althamer is a highly regarded and influential artist who has made significant contributions to the contemporary art world. His innovative and socially-engaged works continue to inspire and challenge audiences around the world.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1967

  • Country:

    Poland, Warsaw