About the Artwork Artist 3958.jpg

Mirmohamad Fatahi

Mirmohamad Fatahi is an Iranian painter born in 1987 in Karaj. He obtained a painting diploma from the School of Fine Arts and later pursued a BA in painting from Soore Art University of Tehran. While studying, he worked as a background artist on several projects and won awards. In 2014, he held his first solo exhibition at the House of Iranian Cartoon. Fatahi has participated in group exhibitions at prestigious galleries such as Etemad Gallery, Sanaty Museum, and Alserkal Avenue in Dubai. He also works with Dastan Gallery and has had two solo exhibitions with them, titled "Remembrance" and "Wordless". Fatahi's paintings revolve around themes related to painting in Iran and the issue of death, and he uses various materials such as oil and watercolor to harmonize his ideas with form. He was a finalist in the "Portrait of Animal" section of the Golden Turtle contest and won the second prize in the "Drawing Festival" of the Karaj Painters Artists Association.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    Iran, Karaj

  • Gallery:
