About the Artwork

Marie Bovo

Marie Bovo is a French photographer known for her minimalist and poetic images of urban landscapes and architectural spaces. She was born in Alicante, Spain, and grew up in Marseille, France. Bovo's photographs often feature a play of light and shadow, with a focus on the textures and details of the built environment. Her use of color is subtle, with a preference for muted and monochromatic tones. Bovo's images create a sense of stillness and contemplation, inviting viewers to reflect on the beauty and complexity of the urban world. Bovo has exhibited her work internationally, including at the Venice Biennale, the Rencontres d'Arles, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1967

  • Country:

    Spain, Alicante

  • Gallery:
