Mari-Leen Kiipli

Mari-Leen Kiipli is a versatile artist who specializes in photography, videography, and installations. 

Biography of Mari-Leen Kiipli

Mari-Leen Kiipli was born in 1988 in Estonia. 

Mari-Leen Kiipli studied photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts and expanded her knowledge by attending Pallas University of Applied Sciences. Mari-Leen also embarked on exchange studies in Vienna, Austria.

Mari-Leen Kiipli's art style 

Mari-Leen Kiipli's artistic focus revolves around capturing the unspoken. She is interested in the old myths and stories in the modern context, such as the myth of the end of the world or the tales and use of various plants. Through these narratives, Kiipli examines humanity's intricate relationship with nature.

She skillfully directs the viewer's attention to a multitude of perceptible qualities, including light, transparency, reflections, shadows, color, sharpness, texture, movement, and sound. Mari-Leen Kiipli uses various materials, found objects, plants, and slow-motion videos. Her works are both enchanting and confusing.

Artistic Achievements and Recognition

In 2021, Kiipli presented "Nanshe Gone Fishing" at Draakon Gallery in Tallinn. Prior to that, in 2020, her exhibition titled "Husa" at Haapsalu City Gallery showcased her creative vision in an immersive and thought-provoking manner. Another notable show in Kiipli's repertoire is "No Path Goes Through Asparaag," which took place in 2019 at Tartu Art House.

Her works have been showcased at esteemed events such as the Liste Art Fair Basel, where she exhibited with Kogo Gallery in 2021. This prestigious art fair provided her with a platform to showcase her unique artistic vision to a global audience. In 2019, Mari-Leen's talent was also featured at renowned photo fairs, including Unseen Amsterdam and Foto Tallinn. Additionally, Mari-Leen Kiipli has participated in noteworthy events such as The Others, an independent art fair held in Turin, where she was represented by the Estonian Union of Photography Artists (FOKU) in 2018. 

In 2019, at the esteemed art fair Foto Tallinn, she garnered attention and received recognition from the private funding platform Outset Estonia. Her video work titled "Fish That Swallows the Earth. Particles That Dance in the Sunrays" was awarded a purchase by Outset Estonia, cementing the significance and value of her artistic contribution.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    Estonia, Tallinn

  • Gallery:
