About the Artwork Kinga Bartis

Kinga Bartis

Kinga Bartis is a contemporary artist whose artwork has been showcased in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe.

Biography of Kinga Bartis

Kinga Bartis was born in 1984 in Transylvania, Romania, and grew up in Hungary. Bartis studied at Corvinus University Budapest in Hungary and Umeå Art Academy in Sweden. The artist graduated with an MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2018.

Artworks of Kinga Bartis have been exhibited extensively at various solo and group shows. Solo exhibitions include The Earthlings and the Otherworlders, Archway Nightlands Connector Jennifee-See Alternate, Copenhagen, Denmark (2019); Mural on Valby Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark (2020); Irregulars. Beyond The Current, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark (2021); Deep, Deep Down Far, Far In, Outpost Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark (2021); Kinga Bartis, Tranen, Gentofte, Denmark (2022); WhileAway, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark (2023). 

Bartis has participated in diverse group exhibitions, including PADA + TURPS BANANA LONDON, Lisbon, Portugal (2019); Frederiks Salonen, Kunstsalonen, Copenhagen, Denmark (2020); Soil. Sickness. Society, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, Denmark (2021); Dangerous When Wet, Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark (2022);  Metamorphoser, Sophienholm Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark (2022). 

Kinga Bartis currently lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kinga Bartis's Art Style

Kinga Bartis takes a unique approach to painting that lies outside the boundaries of the classic school of the medium. Rejecting labels, Bartis perceives painting as a vehicle for liberating oneself from the customary patterns of defining and redefining our existence. Instead, Bartis embraces a multidisciplinary and open-minded approach to their artistic practice.

This approach is also evident in Kinga Bartis' technique and composition. Conventional relationships or hierarchies between foreground and background are intentionally disregarded. Through the repetition of imagery featuring bodies, figures, plants, natural elements, and landscapes, Bartis captures the realities of a changing world. These elements seamlessly blend into one another, creating a sense of ambiguity that serves as a backdrop for the characters, moving almost subtly on the canvas, revealing themselves organically.

Recurring themes of sexuality, power structures, the body, and self-perception can be felt through these motions, pulsating toward us. Their presence does not impose a specific direction that Kinga Bartis wants us to follow, but rather evokes a mood or feeling, providing a platform for fostering discussions and conversations.

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