Justin John Greene

Justin John Greene is an artist based in Los Angeles, born in 1984. He received his BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2007. Greene's recent work includes solo and two-person exhibitions, such as "What Can Smoke Do To Iron?" at Collaborations by T. Asbæk in Copenhagen in 2020, "Marnie Weber & Justin John Greene" at Simon Lee in New York in 2019, and "A Warmer World" at Carl Kostyál in London in 2019.

He has also participated in several group exhibitions, including "En Plein Air" at Simon Lee in London in 2019, "Noise! Frans Hals, Otherwise" at the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands in 2019, and "L.A. Dreams 2" at CFHill in Stockholm in 2019. Greene's works have been showcased internationally in places such as Paris, San Francisco, Malmö, and New York.

In his work, Greene uses a range of mediums such as sculpture, painting, and installation. His artworks often explore themes related to contemporary consumer culture, industrialization, and the intersection of the natural world with technology. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles

  • Gallery:

    Matthew Brown