About the Artwork 4

Jorge Camacho

Jorge Camacho (1914-1984) was a Cuban-born painter, poet, and writer associated with the Surrealist movement. He was known for his distinctive style of Surrealist painting, which incorporated vivid colors, bold lines, and elements of the natural world.

Camacho began his artistic career in the 1930s, studying painting and drawing in Havana, Paris, and Barcelona. He became involved with the Surrealist movement in the 1940s, after meeting André Breton and other Surrealist artists in New York City. Camacho's work was heavily influenced by Surrealist principles, including an emphasis on the subconscious, the irrational, and the fantastical.

Camacho's paintings often depicted dreamlike landscapes populated by fantastical creatures and symbols drawn from nature. He also experimented with different media, including collage and assemblage. In addition to his visual art, Camacho was also a prolific poet and writer, publishing several collections of poetry and essays over the course of his career.

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