About the Artwork Joey Holder Portrait 2016 Photo M Kennedy.jpg

Joey Holder

Joey Holder is a London-based artist who also works in Nottingham. She received her MFA from Goldsmiths. Holder's artwork is inspired by conversations and collaborations with researchers and practitioners from various fields. Her work involves creating fictional worlds and constructed environments that respond directly to real-world events.

Each of her works is considered a "set" with filmic, narrative, architectural, visual, and sound elements created uniquely for the project's conceptual underpinnings. She has worked with computational geneticists, marine biologists, behavioral psychologists, and investigative journalists to address themes like future farming, synthetic biology, and deep sea ecosystems.

Holder's work raises philosophical questions about the universe and things yet unknown, particularly regarding the future of science, medicine, biology, and human-machine interactions. She creates immersive multimedia installations that explore the limits of the human and how we experience non-human, natural, and technological forms.

By mixing elements of biology, nanotechnology, and natural history against computer program interfaces, screensavers, and measuring devices, she suggests the impermanence and interchangeability of these apparently contrasting and oppositional worlds: "everything is a mutant and a hybrid." Her work challenges our perception of evolution, adaptation, and change by connecting forms that have emerged through our human taste, culture, and industrial processes.

Holder has exhibited her work widely in the UK and internationally, including at the Harvard Museum of Natural History, Athens Biennale, Design Museum, Moscow Biennale, Transmediale, and Venice Biennale. She is the Director of SPUR, an online platform that supports digital practice, and the Director of Chaos Magic, an arts project space in Nottingham.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London, Nottingham

  • Gallery:
