About the Artwork artist 186700

Gianluca Concialdi

Gianluca Concialdi, born in 1981 in Palermo, Italy, is an artist based in Palermo. His creative practice explores the boundaries between painting, sculpture, and installations. Through his art, he delves into the ways in which architectural spaces and structures can be seen as informal or minimalist pictorial elements. Concialdi's installations incorporate sculptures, figures, and images that highlight the surreal and metaphysical aspects of everyday experiences. His research focuses on the interactions and tensions between local and global, particularly in relation to the Mediterranean region and its diverse communities. In his paintings, Concialdi seeks to capture the ephemeral and authentic nature of human experience.

Concialdi's solo exhibitions include Holy Hillock at the Amant Foundation in Chiusure, SI (2020), Enrique at Clima Gallery in Milan (2020), Vagabondi Eccellenti at Casa Piena Microcentro in Petralia Soprana, PA (2019), and Piatti Caldi at Almanac in London (2019), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1981

  • Country:

    Italy, Brescia

  • Gallery:
