George Afedzi Hughes

George Hughes, known by the artistic pseudonym Kwesi Afedzi, stands as a Ghanaian-born American creative force, channeling his talents into the realms of painting, poetry, and performance art.

In 1992, George Afedzi Hughes earned his master's degree in art education from The College of Art, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi. His educational journey continued, culminating in a Master of Fine Arts in painting from Bowling Green State University, Ohio, in 2001.

George Afedzi Hughes’s Art Style

George Afedzi Hughes's artistic footprint spans continents, with his paintings and performance art captivating audiences across Europe, Africa, and America. His oeuvre delves into the deep complexities of violence and tragedy stemming from colonialism, skillfully juxtaposed with the backdrop of contemporary global conflicts.

His performance art pieces are a testament to his interdisciplinary approach, seamlessly blending ritual, poetry, sound effects, video, and allegorical configurations. The canvas of his large paintings becomes a stage where human and animal body parts coalesce with commercial signage and global symbols, creating a compelling visual narrative.

George Afedzi Hughes's artistic vision extends beyond conventional boundaries. His two-dimensional works often manifest as assemblages, incorporating elements like toys and small robots.

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