Emma Singer

Emma Singer's artwork has garnered attention on a national scale, with presentations at prestigious events such as the Sydney Contemporary Art Fair and the Melbourne Art Fair through the APY Art Centre Collective. 

Biography of Emma Singer

Emma Singer was born in 1986 and spent her formative years in the vibrant community of Mimili on the APY Lands of South Australia. Since the enactment of the 1981 APY Land Rights Act, which returned the region to Aboriginal ownership, Mimili has been shaped by the leadership of strong Anangu figures like Emma and her family.

As a mother of two, Emma  Singer is deeply committed to education and empowering young people to thrive within their community. Despite her youth, Emma Singer has already made significant contributions to Mimili in various roles, including serving as an educator at Mimili School and as a street-worker for Community Night Patrol. Currently, she is part of a group dedicated to developing mental health resources for the community.

Today, Emma Singer stands as one of the most promising emerging artists in the studio. Notably, she holds the distinction of being the youngest director that Mimili Maku Arts has ever had, representing emerging artists on the board of directors. 

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