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© Photo by Ben Elliot, Ben Elliot Water, 2017. Editorial picture. Photographer: Chris Calmer. Courtesy the artist

Ben Elliot

Ben Elliot is a French artist who was born in 1994. His work explores contemporary subjects such as influence marketing, high-speed media channels, and contemporary devices to highlight the concepts and values they carry. His practice often involves a group of people and takes place in contexts with a blurry border between the contemporary art setting and the social life environment.

Elliot extends his persona through communication tools using the strategies of influencers, social media, digital content, product placement, partnerships, and contracts. He goes beyond the traditional economic system of artists, patrons, collectors, and galleries and integrates other players into his work.

Elliot has developed several exhibition projects with Les Magasins généraux in Pantin, France. His last online project, My Little Friend, is a virtual character and brand that explores the concept of "cuteness." Elliot is also known for being the first artist to create his own cryptocurrency.

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