news Articles
6 min read
In the last two years, crypto art has faced many challenges and skepticism. As a result, its popularity among the general public, and more specifically, art enthusiasts, has declined, leading some to wonder whether it’s the end of these assets. Nevertheless, despite all the hardships and news about lost value, the crypto art movement is experiencing a powerful resurgence. Defying all odds and capturing the attention of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts alike, it is now bursting with new activities like Christie's New Wave: Miami Edit — an event that celebrates the resurgence of crypto art and stands as a testament to its resilience.
2 min read
"Salvator Mundi," known as the most expensive artwork worldwide, is about to be turned into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and sold to the public. According to the leading art reporter, The Art Newspaper, the painting will be minted in collaboration between ElmonX and Bridgeman Images. The sale will be accessible for purchase from 12 August, although the terms are still to be announced.
6 min read
As with any other year, marked the start of the 2023 summer for the art community. The event showcased 284 art installations from 36 countries and regions, making it a must-attend destination for art connoisseurs worldwide. Thus, a never-ending stream of visitors was expected, even at the VIP opening on Tuesday, the 15th, resulting in long queues and limited free space at some art booths.
8 min read
Art exhibitions are an integral space for galleries, visionaries, artists, and collectors to interact with each other. A venue to discover new trends, learn from industry leaders, get inspired by the works of other artists, and, most important, expand their network.