About the Artwork 01

Mimmo Rotella

Mimmo Rotella (1918-2006) was an Italian artist associated with the Nouveau Réalisme movement. He was born in Catanzaro, Italy, and studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples.

Rotella is known for his use of torn posters and other found materials in his artwork. He would collect posters from the streets, tear them apart, and then reassemble them into collages that he called "Décollages." He would also incorporate these materials into his paintings, creating a layered and textured surface.

Rotella's work often incorporated images from popular culture, such as movie stars and advertisements, and he was particularly interested in the relationship between mass media and consumer culture. He was also influenced by the work of the Surrealists, and his artwork often had a dreamlike quality.

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