Marija Olšauskaitė

Marija Olšauskaitė is a Lithuanian artist who works in a variety of mediums, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and installation. She was born in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1989, and studied at the Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Olšauskaitė's work is often characterized by its exploration of the relationship between the individual and society, and its focus on the human condition. She frequently incorporates elements of surrealism and symbolism into her work, creating dreamlike and thought-provoking imagery.

Olšauskaitė has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Lithuania and internationally. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius, the M.K.Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, and the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius. She has also participated in several artist residencies, including at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.

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